Friends Church Kyenjojo

Friends Church Kyenjojo


Friends Church Kyenjojo

We Friends Church Kyenjojo, we are friends meeting affiliated to Friends Global Ministries. We are evangelical friends stretching far and wide across Western Uganda region.  We are a collection of Christ – centered Friends (Quakers) embracing yearly meetings, evangelical associations, churches and hundreds of local gatherings of individuals. Joined together through our shared experience of God and united in common ministries, we form a beloved fellowship that is powerfully at work in our local areas and through cross-cultural service. From the Mid western to south western Uganda scattered places in between, Friends Church Kyenjojo is building a local community to global partnership in a season of history when much of the world is being stretched and strained by cultural, political, and geographic differences. An important part of our work and witness is to express the love and peace of Christ with one another, believing God is transforming us into a people who are more lovely and whole than we could ever be on our own.

Our Priorities

Leadership & Resource Development

Friends Church Kyenjojo Meeting provides educational and inspirational resources to assist local and Yearly Meetings to grow and flourish in the Spirit of Christ and create ways to guide Friends to that living Source …


Evangelism for Friends Church Kyenjojo is the joyful proclamation and demonstration of God’s love expressed through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and continued on through the life and witness of Friends.


Communication, for Friends Church Kyenjojo, is the transformational ministry of sharing about God’s ongoing work through Friends, both among ourselves and to a watching and listening world.

Local-Global Partnership

Friends Church Kyenjojo focus on Local partnership involves restructuring our way of thinking even as we rely on finding practical ways to connect Quakers across the world. Friends Church Kyenjojo sponsors many service-