Friends Church Kyenjojo

Friends Church Kyenjojo


Local-Global Partnership

Friends Church Kyenjojo focus on Local partnership involves restructuring our way of thinking even as we rely on finding practical ways to connect Quakers across the world. Friends Church Kyenjojo sponsors many service-learning opportunities where Friends can explore cross-cultural relationships. Community, sub parish, sub district , regional  worship and learning gatherings also serve to strengthen the connection between Friends and encourage us to stretch beyond the comfort of our home fellowships. The Friends Church Kyenjojo is intentionally organized so that our local community is governed by representatives from every one of our regions, all working together in mutual partnership. Our goal is for Board and Friends church Kyenjojo members everywhere to feel involved in Friends Church Kyenjojo decisions and programs anywhere.

To turn this goal into reality, partnership must become our way of being, our way of thinking, and our way of conducting all our business. Behind these face-to-face gatherings and chances to hear how Christ is speaking to Friends in other parts of the world, a fundamental aspect of building a healthy global partnership involves learning to see ourselves and one another differently. Friends Church kyenjojo is not a “Friends Global Ministries” doing work around the community for “them.” No—“we” are collaborating together as affiliate church to the Friends Global Ministries. We are learning from one another, relying on one another, and sharing in the responsibility and opportunity to express and embody Quaker faith within a Diaspora Quaker global context.